
The results of the exam “Introduction to Deep Learning” from August 1, 2024 are now available on Campo. Examination records can be inspected at the following date: Tuesday, October 1, at 10 am in room 05.025 (Cauerstraße 7) To participate in the inspection please register in the correspondin...

The contribution "Spatially Constrained vs. Unconstrained Filtering in Neural Spatiospectral Filters for Multichannel Speech Enhancement" of Annika Briegleb and Walter Kellermann was awarded the 3rd prize in the compition for the Student Best Paper Award at the 32nd European Signal Processing Confer...

Andy Regensky received the Best Presentation Award for his presentation"Analysis of Neural Video Compression Networks for 360-Degree Video Coding" which was presented at the ITG/VDE Graduate Summer School on Video Compression and Processing, which took place from June 30 - July 2, 2024 at the RheinM...